Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Baby Hands

Baby parts are most likely the cutest things that God created. Except maybe those really little monkeys I just saw on National Geographic channel. They are so little and cute! I want one for a pet so I can carry her around in my pocket and take her out to do tricks for family and friends! But I digress.

I never really understood what was going through the minds of people that remark, “I just want to EAT her!” until I had a baby of my own. I really do understand the sentiment. I just want to nibble her little baby fingers off one by one and then start gnawing up her arm. If I’m not amply conveying sarcasm here, I still think it’s borderline sick to say that you want to eat any part of a child.

Which (somehow) brings me to baby hands. I can’t get enough of how cute Jane’s hands are. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve caught her with her hands clasped together, and for some reason it seems so unnatural for a baby to be able to do that. It’s one of the many scenes that will lead me to follow her every movement with the camera for twenty minutes. Gotta love the Parent Paparazzi.

I learned really quickly that baby hands are cute to look at, but are lethal weapons when the baby is within an arm’s reach of your body. When Jane was born, she had one pinky nail that was an inch long! Okay, maybe not an inch, but it was pretty spectacular. So right away I began to learn the pain and sadness that come with baby fingernails.

Though baby nails are paper thin, they are like shards of glass. And babies don’t understand that clutching onto skin HURTS. Jane got me so often with her little daggers in the first week. I had scratches all over my neck and chest and I had to put mittens over her hands to preserve my fragile visage. Then she started on her OWN face. The damage that was done under her eyes and jaw line made me feel like an unfit parent.

Another baby body part that needs to be mentioned is the baby bottom. Yet another baby body part that is really cute until you get too close one time. Hah, just kidding. But really.

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