Monday, October 11, 2010

The "B" Word

There’s a certain sense of entitlement that a Mommy- to- Be feels when she finds out she’s pregnant. For years before experiencing pregnancy firsthand, I routinely heard pregnant women (mostly on TV) say things like “I can eat whatever I want. I’m pregnant!” and I got the idea that pregnancy was something like a free pass.

So then, when I actually was pregnant, I was very upset to find out that the things preggo Me could eat were limited. And people wouldn’t let me butt them in line at the supermarket, no matter how far I leaned back to give them a wide view of my belly. And most people avoided mentioning it altogether just in case I was carboloading or drinking too much beer instead of legitimately pregnant. I was so disappointed.

One day, when I was about six months along, that I got really pissed when someone stole a parking spot right out from under me. I exclaimed, out loud (to myself), “Don’t they realize I’m PREGNANT?!” Of course they couldn’t possibly realize. I wasn’t really showing yet, and, even if I had been, my car was conveniently blocking their view of my belly. But of course I didn’t think of this until later (when the Hubbo kindly pointed that part out to me).

Anyway, I have found that having a baby can get you free stuff. I swear, I’ve called my cell phone provider two or three times since having Jane, and I always walk away with extra minutes and discounts just for dropping the “B” word. People like to give new parents breaks. And you better believe we need them. The Hubs often suggests we start house- hunting with the baby to see if anyone wants to give a young couple with an adorable baby a one hundred thousand dollar discount. So keep your fingers crossed for that one.